Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm here!

I kind of freaked a bit when I saw my seat.  It was definitely engineered more for the Asian body type.  Not someone 6'2".  I actually asked the stewardess if I could switch to a bulkhead seat.  Alas, every seat was full.  At least they're efficient.

So the first leg was only 13 hours.  I'm sure I slept at least 3 of those.  We were chasing the sun west, but it caught up to us, rising behind us a few hours before we landed.

The next leg really did just fly by, but still no sleep.  So here I am in Manila, on my own so far, as my hosts are in Peace Corp meetings.  Everything is a bit some ways it reminds me of Thailand but then again not.

When my taxi pulled up in front of the "pensione" there was a dirty, naked little boy on the sidewalk.  When I left later to seek out this internet cafe, I saw that it's a mom and some kids.  They seem to have some flattened cardboard for furnishings.  On the sidewalk.  Yikes.

I guess I'm in the right place.

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